Seminars and workshops

Seminar or workshop presentations (oral)

  1. Two-tailed RT-qPCR analysis of microRNA in liquid biopsies. Workshop presentation (oral) at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg.Feb 2019(TATAA)
  2. SMARTDIAGNOS – An EU Horizon 2020 innovation project to develop a new generation of fully integrated PCR based infection diagnostics. Presentation at MNBS Workshop. Oct 2018 (DTU)
  3. Future sepsis diagnostics. Invited speaker to a seminar Biobank Väst , Gothenburg. Oct 2018 (HIS)
  4. Future sepsis diagnostics. Invited speaker at the University of Skövde, Systems Biology seminar. (Oct 2018 (HIS)
  5. Future sepsis diagnostics. Invited speaker to a seminar Gothia Forum, Gothenburg Oct 2018 (HIS)
  6. SMARTDIAGNOS Internal research workshop for all researchers at HIS, 8th March 2018
  7. SMARTDIAGNOS –Rapid detection of sepsis. Oral presentation at RAIS workshop. Nov. 6-7, 2017 Barcelona, Spain. Nov. 2017 (DTU)
  8. Framtida sepsis diagnostik. Invited speaker to a seminar at the Skaraborg hospital in Skövde 2 October 2017 (HIS)
  9. The role of social sciences and business humanities in addressing societal challenges. The SMARTDIAGNOS project was used as a case example at the DEA/CBS workshop. Feb. 2017 (CBS/DTU
  10. Future sepsis diagnostics. Workshop presentation at Chalmers Innovation Officee (HIS)
  11. Future sepsis diagnostics. Workshop at University of Skövde. Feb 2017 (HIS)
  12. Snabbare diagnostik av blodförgiftning räddar liv. Seminar at the society of Rotary (Sweden). Dec. 2016 (HIS)
  13. Future sepsis diagnostics. Seminar for policy/decision makers at Gothia Science Park and open arena (SE) Nov. 2016 (HIS)
  14. How to prepare a successful proposal for Horizon 2020. Seminar at University of Skövde Nov. 2016 (HIS)
  15. SMARTDIAGNOS Rapid detection of Sepsis. Seminar at Systems biology research center, University of Skövde April 2016 (HIS)