Danube University Krems

Danube University Krems

Danube University Krems (DUK) was founded in 1995 as a public University for Continuing Education. Re-search in its largest faculty (Health and Medicine) has focused on the field of Regenerative Medicine, in par-ticular on the development of systems for extracoporeal blood purification. Translational research is carried out in close collaboration with industry, in particular Fresenius Medical Care, world market leader in the field of dialysis. The development of diagnostic systems, e.g. for the detection of cytokines and other mediators of inflammation, is carried out in collaboration with partners from industry (Anagnostics Bioanalysis GmbH) and with clinical partners, e.g. at the Medical University of Vienna. This profile matches the tasks of this proposal (e.g. definition of user requirements for diagnostic systems in sepsis, extensive experience with functionalization of polymers, access to clinical premises in the field of sepsis therapy).

Key persons:

Viktoria WEBER, Prof. Dr. Head of Christian Doppler Laboratory for Innovative Therapy Approaches in Sepsis​, viktoria.weber@donau-uni.ac.at
Role: Task leader of Task 2.2 and Task 3.4. Responsible for definition of user requirement, functionali-zation of surfaces, performance evaluation of diagnostic system

