
SMARTDIAGNOS - Next generation sepsis diagnosis - version 2

Sepsis is a life threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated immune response to an infection. The EU project SMARTDIAGNOS aims to develop fast and efficient test methods to diagnose sepsis in under 3 hours, which is much faster than the current 48 hours and has the potential to save lives.
Group photo

Sepsis is a potentially fatal immune response to bacteria and fungi infection in the human body. Early diagnosis is crucial. SMARTDIAGNOS will achieve 1-3 hours diagnosis time, 95% sensitivity, and 99% accuracy, decreasing morbidity and mortality up to 20%.

Sepsis is a potentially fatal immune response to bacteria and fungi infection in the human body. Early diagnosis is crucial. SMARTDIAGNOS will achieve 1-3 hours diagnosis time, 95% sensitivity, and 99% accuracy, decreasing morbidity and mortality up to 20%.


Sepsis is a potentially fatal immune response to bacteria and fungi infection in the human body. Early diagnosis is crucial. SMARTDIAGNOS will achieve 1-3 hours diagnosis time, 95% sensitivity, and 99% accuracy, decreasing morbidity and mortality up to 20%.

EU emblem

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687697.

The project has 10 partners from 5 EU countries.


CBS  TATAA biocenter   
 Cube dx  Unilabs University of Skövde 
Scandinavian Micro Biodevices
Charles University